داستان آبیدیک

write to

ɹa͡it to


1 general:: Phrase(s): write to someone to compose a letter or e-mail and send it to someone. • I will write to her again, but I don’t expect to hear anything. • Please write to me as soon as you can., Phrase(s): write something to something to write something that is supplementary to something else. • Molly wrote an epilogue to her story covering the time up till now. • I will write the introduction to the book this afternoon., Phrase(s): write something to someone 1. to send specific information to someone in writing. • I wrote the facts to John, and he thanked me for the information. • They wrote all the details to me, and I filed them. 2. to compose a letter or email and send it to someone. • Sam wrote a letter to his father. • Did you write that memo to Mark yet?

McGrawhill's American Idioms And Phrasal Verbs

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